A downloadable game for Windows

This is the 2020 demo of my biggdst game, 'Round The Mind!

Play the game's most up-to-date alpha here:

(Browser/HTML version available at https://philraco-indie.itch.io/mka-demo-html)

You control a kid named MiKe, which can do a variety of things.

His Main and Secondary Actions can vary depending on the gameplay. For example, in the Platformer Genre the main Action it's your Jump button, but in the Rhythm Genre, it's an action button. Quite crazy, huh?

MiKe can also use a move called the Speed Charge. In the Platformer Genre, you can charge it to do a homing attack towards lots of nearbie enemies in a quick session! You can also keep it pressed when enemies aren't around to start running in the ground, or do a quick dash while airborn. Test it out yourself!


MiKe Adventures: (Demo)nstration ZIP 23 MB

Install instructions

Here's how to download/play the game:

[Windows Tutorial]

1: Go to the downloads section of this page and press the download button.

2: Wait till the file has been completely downloaded in your computer. Then go to the folder the MiKe Adventures (Demo)nstration.zip file is stored.

3: Extract the ZIP file somewhere in your computer (This can be done with any zip extracting software, or by right clicking and then selecting Extract all...).

4. Click on MiKeAdventuresVersions.exe:

Select this

5: Now enjoy the demo!

Development log


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(1 edit)

Un mal juego.
Pésimos controles y bugs que hacen que el juego no se disfrute como debería, pero buena banda sonora

Garcias por el feedback, hare todo lo que pueda para hacer el juego mas divertido de jugar, incluyendo arreglando bugs y cambiando los controles.